Berinovasi Membuat Kopi Diet dari Sorgum, Mahasiswa ITS Bawa Pulang Penghargaan Bergengsi

Kopi diet
Kopi diet

Dengan visi yang jelas dan inovasi yang berkelanjutan, SORGTIME diharapkan dapat menjadi pelopor dalam industri FnB berbasis pangan lokal serta memberikan dampak positif bagi lingkungan dan ekonomi masyarakat.

About Maxy Academy

Maxy Academy is a talent advancement program that combines AI and blockchain technology to provide students and job seekers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities to advance in their careers. Maxy Academy’s Talent Advancement Program leverages AI and blockchain technology to accelerate the development of talent in the areas of digital marketing, front-end development, back-end development, and UI/UX design.
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