Regional Cooperation Strengthened at ASEAN Conference on Combatting Plastic Pollution

ASEAN Conference (RKCMPD)
ASEAN Conference (RKCMPD)

JAKARTA, CILACAP.INFO – The ASEAN Conference on Combatting Plastic Pollution 2024 in Lao PDR highlighted ASEAN’s commitment to tackling the plastic waste crisis through regional collaboration.

The ASEAN Conference on Combatting Plastic Pollution (ACCPP) 2024, hosted this year in Lao PDR, underscored ASEAN’s increasing commitment to addressing the plastic waste crisis and advancing regional collaboration for sustainable plastic management solutions.  Key stakeholders from ASEAN Member States, the private sector, innovators, and civil society have come together to discuss regional strategies for addressing plastic pollution. The 2-day conference, hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Lao PDR, in partnership with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Lao PDR, provided a platform to share knowledge, identify synergies for regional cooperation, and align policies for tackling plastic pollution.

Under the Lao PDR Chairmanship of ASEAN, two major milestones were achieved to combat this environmental issue:

The successful hosting of the 2nd edition of the ASEAN Conference on Combatting Plastic Pollution (ACCPP) 2024, which was attended by representatives of ASEAN member states, change makers, innovators and other stakeholders.The adoption of the ASEAN Declaration on Plastic Circularity

These landmark achievements aim to promote circular economy principles, and encourage sustainable plastic use, and reduction of waste across the region. In his opening remarks, H.E. Mr. Phouvong Luangxaysana, Vice-Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Lao PDR, highlighted the significance of regional collaboration, stating, ‘ASEAN Member States are already committed [to reducing plastic pollution] through the Bangkok Declaration on Combating Marine Debris, the ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris, and earlier this month, during the 44th and 45th ASEAN Summits here in Vientiane, the ASEAN Member States adopted the ASEAN Declaration on Plastic Circularity..’ Mme. Martine Therer, Resident Representative of UNDP in Lao PDR, underlined that ‘Governments alone cannot solve plastic pollution. We truly need a “all-hands-on-deck” approach with every citizen, company, city, organization also playing their part. Plastic pollution is not just an environmental issue; it is a socio-economic and health crisis that affects every corner of our region.’

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